Founded in 1987
Over 100 Years Combined Experience
Free Phone Consultations
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Do you have something specific you would like to discuss? Need feedback on a particular topic? Want to make sure that you go straight to the top and talk to the headman in charge at Physician Career Advisor?
Roger Bonds has over 30 years of experience and worked with over 3,000 physicians. His advise might be just what you need.
This is your chance to talk one-on-one with the industry leader, CEO of Physician Career Advisor, Roger Bonds, about whatever topic you choose. Please note: If you send documents for Roger to see before your conversation, that counts toward your hour consultation. Just let us know if you want more than one hour, or register for one of our other services.
Roger's time is of course limited and we can only accept these consultations as the schedule allows. A phone consultation with Roger is $385 per hour. We do not bill in partial hours.
Feel free to call, text or email us. Or register below and let's get started!
"Mr. Bonds manages the ins and outs of contract evaluation and negotiation with understated ease and great expertise."
- Luis Quinones, MD General Surgery
Speak Directly With the Man in Charge
Call Us Today
(770) 356-9541
Want Roger's Opinion Phone Consultation?
Serving Nationwide, Physician Career Advisor specializes in contract review, buy-in review, career advisement, interview prep, department head review, benefits review, and much more. Over 100 years of combined experience. Founded in 1987. Free phone consultations. Call us today.
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